GG网络技术分享 2025-03-18 16:12 0
I\'m using GoDaddy cPanel hosting to move my site from localhost. It\'s the first time I\'ve done this and I\'ve hit a dead end. I\'ve followed the instructions from these instructions. I\'ve used duplicator as a back-up whilst developing but I didn\'t use it for the FTP process.
I\'m pretty sure there\'s a step in the process I\'m missing but I can\'t spot it. I exported the database on localhost, created a new one in cPanel, imported across the localhost one. All the files are in the file manager portal but I\'m not sure they\'re in the right place. The file trail is /home/cPanellogin/public_html/files - is this correct?
I\'ve updated the wp-config file -
define(\'DB_NAME\', \'new cPanel db name\');/** MySQL database username */
define(\'DB_USER\', \'cPanel db user\');
/** MySQL database password */
define(\'DB_PASSWORD\', \'cPanel db password\');
/** MySQL hostname */
define(\'DB_HOST\', \'localhost\');
The site link is here. I\'ve never done this before so I\'m pretty sure I\'m missing some steps, any assistance would be really appreciated.
功能建议我正在使用GoDaddy cPanel托管从localhost移动我的网站。 这是我第一次这样做,我已经走到了尽头。 我按照这些说明。 我在开发时使用了复制器作为备份,但我没有将它用于FTP进程。 </ p>
我很确定在我失踪的过程中有一步,但我无法发现它。 我在localhost上导出了数据库,在cPanel中创建了一个新数据库,在localhost中导入了一个。 所有文件都在文件管理器门户中,但我不确定它们是否在正确的位置。 文件路径是/ home / cPanellogin / public_html / files - 这是正确的吗? </ p>
我已经更新了wp-config文件 - </ p>
define(\'DB_NAME\',\'new cPanel db name\'); \\ n / ** MySQL数据库用户名* /
define(\'DB_USER\',\'cPanel db user\');
/ ** MySQL数据库密码* /
define(\'DB_PASSWORD\',\'cPanel db password\') ;
/ ** MySQL主机名* /
</ code> </ pre>
站点链接这里。 我以前从未这样做过,所以我很确定我错过了一些步骤,任何帮助都会非常感激。 </ p>
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