GG网络技术分享 2025-03-18 16:12 0
I use a WordPress Woo-commerce template called \"KuteShop\", and I am trying to change the Placeholder Text \"I\'m searching for...\" and \"All Cate.\" as in the picture below:
but I can\'t do that, I searched everywhere, NOT in the Advanced editor, NOT in the Theme Options, NOT in the WordPress Settings, Nor in any place.
How can I modify it?
功能建议我使用名为“KuteShop”的WordPress Woo商务模板,我正在尝试更改占位符文本“I “正在寻找...”和“所有美食”。 如下图所示:</ p>
</ p>
< p>但是我不能这样做,我搜索到的地方,不是在高级编辑器中,不是在主题选项中,不是在WordPress设置中,也不是在任何地方。</ p>
怎么能 我修改了吗? </ p>
</ div>
The process is really simple, KuteShop include a language file: \\\"languages/kuteshop.pot\\\"
You simply should open this file with the PoEdit application (that is distributed for free:, and create the language file for your website\'s language, entering a hypothetical translation of this text with the text you want to display on your website.
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