GG网络技术分享 2025-03-18 16:14 1
大家好,这里是关于[Avada主题教程 2.1:超级菜单使用教程2.0版本],[Avada主题发布5.3.0版本,5.3.0汉化包同步更新]问题的解答,希望对您有所帮助。如果你还想了解更多这方面的信息,请关注本站其他相关内容,共同学习吧!
之前的文章:Avada主题教程 2:创建带图文的超级菜单(导航菜单)
从图中可以看出,我的二级菜单是四个 新课程、成华大道、二仙桥、腰马合一。
版本5.3 - 2017年11月20日
- 新:5个新的专业设计的演示
- 新增功能:Fusion Builder保存的元素现在可以用作全局变量,对全局进行的任何编辑都将更新使用全局的页面上的内容
- 新:全屏滚动部分侧面导航图形和部分之间的淡出动画
- 新增:100%的高度选项添加到容器元素
- 新:滑杆现在可以放在每一边(上/右/下/左)
- 新:滑动条有新的切换布局(浮动圆/矩形/菜单项)和一组新的选项,如粘滑杆
- 新:Flyout菜单现在可作为所有标题版本的附加移动菜单布局
新增功能:为Fusion Page Options添加了导入/导出功能,可以轻松使用不同帖子/页面/站点的选项
- 新增:将页面选项集合添加到存档页面,以便任何存档可以获得单独的样式(例如页眉,滑块,页面标题栏)
- 新增功能:添加图标选项到选项卡元素,所以图标可以显示在选项卡标题的任何一边,任意大小
- 新增:添加图标选项来切换元素,以便可以选择图标对齐,大小颜色和装箱/取消装箱模式
- 新增:将网格框背景颜色,边框颜色,分隔线样式和分隔线颜色选项添加到博客和投资组合元素
- 新增:为博客和投资组合档案和Fusion Builder元素添加网格框填充选项
- 新增功能:使用Fusion Builder为页面/帖子添加了粘贴更新/保存和预览按钮,以便在滚动页面时更轻松地进行更新
- 新增:添加了Fusion Builder列选项,用于删除,克隆和调整嵌套列元素的大小。由于技术限制,无法添加保存图标
- 新增:为内容框,翻页框,计数器框和标签页元素添加了父级元素选项,以便更容易地编辑子项目
- 新:修改我们的全球侧边栏设置,使我们的选项网络更加一致
- 新:全局侧边栏分配将在所有使用新的“默认”边栏设置的页面上工作,即使强制全局侧边栏关闭
- 新:侧面导航设置(以前通过模板完成)通过新的垂直菜单小部件来显示侧边栏中的自定义菜单,并简化使用
- 新:平等高度选项现在可用于网格布局中的博客和组合元素和档案
- 新功能:商店页面上的WooCommerce产品现在可以使用等高选项
- 新增:添加主题选项,用于选择WooCommerce商店页面默认应该是网格还是列表视图
- 新增:添加主题选项,用于选择是否应在WooCommerce商店页面上显示网格/列表视图按钮
- 新增:将所有用户帐户页面的链接添加到WooCommerce“我的帐户”主菜单项
- 新增:为字体真棒元素添加了边距选项,因此可以任意定位
- 新增:为投资组合元素添加订购选项,所以可以按日期,标题,名称,作者,评论数,修改日期,菜单顺序或随机
- 新增:在Fusion Slider中添加了订购幻灯片的选项:发布ID,标题,创建数据,上次更新或随机
- 新:融合滑块标题和标题可以设置为任何HTML标题(h1 - h6)SEO优化
- 新增:Fusion Slider选项可在滑块上显示向下箭头指示器,该指示器可平滑滚动至滑块下面的页面内容
- 新增:在仪表板列表视图中为投资组合,常见问题解答和Fusion Slider帖子类型添加了预览图像
- 新增:为最近的帖子元素添加了可以单独启用/禁用元数据的选项
新增功能:为Fusion Page Options添加了一个过滤器,以便开发人员可以添加自己的选项卡并使用Avada特定的UI
- 新增:可轻松更改投资组合字符串,例如“项目详情”,“需要的技能”等。
- NEW:持久化对象缓存设置现在在任何类型的后期操作中被清除,以确保更改正确地反映在前端
新功能:Fusion Cache清除功能现在可以自动清除自动优化和LiteSpeed缓存
- 新:增加了全套手机菜单字体排版选项
- 新增:列元素中的完整列链接现在可以选择是否应在相同或新的选项卡中打开
- 新增:在Avada 6.0中添加了关于弃用PHP 5.2支持的通知
- 新:添加简单的链接选择器支持链接的选项,更好的用户体验
- 新增:从Avada版本5以下版本升级时,为Fusion Builder元素添加了TinyMCE小部件转换功能
- 新:现在可以在W中选择Avada网格图像大小
Version 5.3 - November 20th, 2017
- NEW: 5 New Professionally Designed Demos
- NEW: Fusion Builder saved elements can now be used as globals, where any edits to the global will update contents on pages where the global is used
- NEW: Full screen scrolling sections with a side navigation graphic and fading animations between sections
- NEW: Added 100% height option to container element
- NEW: Sliding bar can be positioned on every side now (top/right/bottom/left)
- NEW: Sliding bar has new toggle layouts (floating circle / rectangle / menu item) and a set of new options, like sticky sliding bar
- NEW: Flyout menu is now available as additional mobile menu layout for all header versions
- NEW: Added import/export functionality to Fusion Page Options for easy usage of options across different posts/pages/sites
- NEW: Added set of page options to archive pages so that any archive can get individual styling (e.g. header, slider, page title bar)
- NEW: Added icon options to tabs element, so icons can be displayed on any side of the tab title and with an arbitrary size
- NEW: Added icon options to toggle element, so that icon alignment, size color and boxed/unboxed mode can be chosen
- NEW: Added a set of coloring options to pricing table element for deeper customization and to support new designs
- NEW: Added grid box background color, border color, separator style and separator color options to blog and portfolio elements
- NEW: Added grid box padding options for blog and portfolio archives and Fusion Builder elements
- NEW: Added full set of element and theme options to FAQ element so styling can be changed similar to toggle element
- NEW: Added sticky update/save and preview buttons to pages/posts using Fusion Builder for easier updating when page is scrolled
- NEW: Added Fusion Builder column options for deleting, cloning and resizing to nested columns element. Save icon cannot be added due to technical limitations
- NEW: Added parent level element options to content boxes, flip boxes, counter boxes and tabs elements for easier child item editing
- NEW: Revised our global sidebar setup to work more consistently with our option network
- NEW: Global sidebar assignments will work on all pages that use new \"default\" sidebar setting, even if forced global sidebars is off
- NEW: Side navigation setup (previously done via template) via the new vertical menu widget to display custom menu in sidebars and to simplify usage
- NEW: Added a full set of styling and alignment options for every widget that allows incredible new design possibilities
- NEW: Equal heights option is now available for blog and portfolio elements and archives in grid layout
- NEW: Equal heights option is now available for WooCommerce products on shop page
- NEW: Added Theme Option for choosing if WooCommerce shop page should be grid or list view by default
- NEW: Added Theme Option for choosing if the grid/list view buttons should be shown on WooCommerce shop page
- NEW: Added links to all user account page to the WooCommerce \"My Account\" main menu item
- NEW: Added margin options to font awesome element, so it can be positioned arbitrarily
- NEW: Added ordering options to portfolio element, so posts can be ordered by date, title, name, author, comment count, modified date, menu order or random
- NEW: Added options to order slides in Fusion Slider: post id, title, creation data, last updated or random
- NEW: Fusion Slider heading and caption can be set to any HTML heading tag (h1 - h6) for SEO optimization
- NEW: Option for Fusion Slider to display a downward arrow indicator on the slider which scrolls smoothly to page contents below slider
- NEW: Added preview images for Portfolio, FAQ and Fusion Slider post types in the dashboard list view
- NEW: Added options to recent posts element that allow meta data to be enabled/disabled individually
- NEW: Added a filter to Fusion Page Options so that developers can add their own tabs and use Avada specific UI
- NEW: Added filters for easily changing the portfolio strings like \"Project Details\", \"Skills Needed\" etc.
- NEW: Persistent object cache setups get cleared now on any kind of post manipulation to make sure changes are correctly reflected on front end
- NEW: Fusion Cache clearing functionality now can auto clear Autoptimize and LiteSpeed cache
- NEW: Added full set of mobile menu font typography options
- NEW: Full column link in column element now has option to choose if it should open in same or new tab
- NEW: Added notice about deprecation of PHP 5.2 support in Avada 6.0
- NEW: Added easy link selector support for options that take links, for better UX
- NEW: Added TinyMCE widget conversion for Fusion Builder elements when updating from Avada below version 5
- NEW: Avada grid image sizes can now be selected in the WP Media Library for easy usage
- NEW: Updated Layer Slider Plugin To Latest Version As of Release Date
- NEW: Updated Slider Revolution Plugin To Latest Version As of Release Date
- NEW: Added native support for Envato hosted platform for easier plug and play integration
- NEW: Added new raw textarea element, so that HTML contents can be stored in elements like Google maps or tagline box
- NEW: Added Content display option for blog archives and for blog element global
- NEW: Added version and author information to the Add-ons featured on Fusion Builder Add-ons page
- IMPROVEMENT: Retina logos are setup through srcset now and not through additional HTML markup
- IMPROVEMENT: Avada\'s advanced responsive images now also working when using file names that are WP specific for generated thumbnails
- IMPROVEMENT: Social icons widget and element now use set names for custom icons in title for a better understanding UX
- IMPROVEMENT: Added a loading spinner when Fusion Caches are cleared to indicate progress
- IMPROVEMENT: Fusion Cache clearing works in modules now, allowing to only clear certain parts
- IMPROVEMENT: Portfolio element now displays a placeholder on mobile when Avada is used together with WP touch plugin
- IMPROVEMENT: Logo margin will no longer apply on front end, if no logo is set in Theme Options
- IMPROVEMENT: Removed old compatibility styles for IE8
- IMPROVEMENT: Google maps custom info box content is now displayed on front end, even if custom styling is disabled
- IMPROVEMENT: When using full screen Fusion Slider above header, the header is now also shown on mobiles
- IMPROVEMENT: Prefixed TGM plugin class to ensure compatibility with third party plugins using same class
- IMPROVEMENT: The avada-noscroll class now works for buttons in content and tagline boxes
- IMPROVEMENT: All needed token options are auto checked now when using the link to token generation on the registration screen
- IMPROVEMENT: Update page no longer needs reloaded after theme auto update in order for the update notice to be dismissed
- IMPROVEMENT: Updated option descriptions and explanations for better UX and fixed some typos
- IMPROVEMENT: Continued maintenance update to increase overall performance
- IMPROVEMENT: UTF-8 encoding is now automatically done during demo import to support maximum compatibility for post contents
- IMPROVEMENT: All mega menu options update live now, so dependent options no longer need a reload to show
- IMPROVEMENT: Demo data is no longer deleted after import is done, but remains available, so less requests are made
- IMPROVEMENT: Conversion related settings now have their own section on the system status page
- IMPROVEMENT: Import of Theme Options will now also work with max_input_vars at low values
- IMPROVEMENT: Consolidated all spacings, borders, background colors and separator options for blog and portfolio grid layouts for perfect matching
- IMPROVEMENT: Minor styling adjustments on different admin screens for better UX
- IMPROVEMENT: Implementation of blog pagination is refactored to improve performance when the amount of pages is very high
- IMPROVEMENT: Added new \"default\" option to the separator element style setting, so theme option setting can be used easily
- IMPROVEMENT: Make image meta data, like image titles, work for image elements on sites that changed URL scheme
- IMPROVEMENT: Image frame element is now simply called image, which fits its purpose much better
- IMPROVEMENT: Fusion Builder development mode includes more assets now unminified for easier development work
- IMPROVEMENT: When grid element color is set to transparent, borders are no longer added
- IMPROVEMENT: Simplified portfolio element text options for easier usage
- IMPROVEMENT: Better support of WP admin color schemes inside of Avada and Fusion Builder
- IMPROVEMENT: Better styling of search box in Fusion Page Options selects with a large amount of options
- IMPROVEMENT: Content boxes read more links can now be used for smooth anchor scrolling
- IMPROVEMENT: The WooCommerce login form in the main menu is now compatible with WP Engine security block filter
- UPDATED: Flexslider script to latest version 2.6.4
- UPDATED: iLightbox to the latest version 2.2.2
- UPDATED: Main navigation highlight radius option now uses a dimension field for better UX
- UPDATED: Better style integration for the new Events Filter Bar 4.5
- UPDATED: Removed custom WooCommerce product sorting from search results page, as it is no longer supported by WooCommerce
- FIXED: WCAG 2.0 issue with search in main menu not being accessible using the tab key
- FIXED: WCAG 2.0 issue with secondary menu drop downs not being accessible using the tab key
- FIXED: Lightbox thumbnail missing for portfolio posts that use a video URL for first featured image
- FIXED: Lightbox not correctly working on mobiles in some instances, when viewing in desktop mode
- FIXED: Menu cart widget being cut off through viewport when using side header when cart has a lot of items
- FIXED: Removed the loading spinner on variable products on WooCommerce shop page when select options button is clicked
- FIXED: Incorrect featured image from displaying when WooCommerce Product Bundles plugin is used
- FIXED: Theme options export URL not working
- FIXED: Direct tab links causing other tab elements on same page to be empty
- FIXED: Minor WooCommerce styling issue on single product page, when stock is down to only 1
- FIXED: Issue with sorting on WooCommerce shop page, where sorting direction is not always correct or requires two clicks
- FIXED: Issue with WooCommerce variable product attributes falling to one line in cart when updating the cart
- FIXED: Menu highlight arrow not working for the WooCommerce \"My Account\" main menu item
- FIXED: Variation name not correctly displayed on WooCommerce checkout page for variable products
- FIXED: Shipping address not being displayed on WooCommerce order received page
- FIXED: WooCommerce shop page shown in breadcrumb paths on archive pages, even when post type archives are disabled in Theme Options
- FIXED: Styling issue with YITH WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Premium
- FIXED: Issue with WMPL, where caption and alt tags were not translated when multiple featured images are used
- FIXED: Styling issues with Events Tickets Plus forms
- FIXED: YouTube background video on containers always looping, even if set to no
- FIXED: Display issue with social sharing by mail when using titles with special characters
- FIXED: Minor issue with form input height for the search bar in main menu when not using px as unit
- FIXED: Quotation marks in contact form appearing as HTML entities
- FIXED: Quantity boxes from third party plugins losing the up/down arrows
- FIXED: Compatibility issue between Avada Facebook widget and Facebook Comments Plugin
- FIXED: Infinite scroll for blog elements being auto triggered under some circumstances when using masonry layout
- FIXED: Small inconsistency with the flyout menu icon font size
- FIXED: Blog element not displaying content when masonry layout is used and set to one column
- FIXED: Flip boxes not flipping correctly in latest Edge browser version
- FIXED: Image sizes in image carousel element not always being correct when fixed mode is used
- FIXED: Custom classes added to nested column element being doubled in HTML markup
- FIXED: Navigation arrows not correctly aligned in Fusion Slider when parallax mode is used
- FIXED: Amount of columns not showing in backend blog element preview
- FIXED: Fusion Slider full screen non-parallax layout not always correctly positioned
- FIXED: Fusion Slider compatibility issue with Polylang
- FIXED: Page title bar theme option for main blog archive pages only working on main blog page
- FIXED: RTL contents positioning issue in Page Title Bar
- FIXED: Responsive images calculation for one column setups being underestimated
- FIXED: Video resize issue when using a video element inside a container with video background
- FIXED: Missing alt attributes in mega menu thumbnail images
- FIXED: Menu anchor scroll not working on mobiles when JS compiler is turned off
- FIXED: Smooth scroll not working correctly with portfolio filters and load more button
- FIXED: Compatibility issue with plugins using same color picker instantiation function
- FIXED: Issue in IE11 where sub menus where not correctly displayed when using arrow highlight option
- FIXED: Page title bar vertical alignment issue in IE11 on mobiles
- FIXED: Browser history state when using anchor links containing underscores
- FIXED: A few PHP notices coming up in very rare cases
- FIXED: Missing map marker file in Music demo
- FIXED: Number of posts option in portfolio element not being able to pull global theme option value
- FIXED: Featured images not being auto selected in library, when editing the image in dashboard
- FIXED: Alt attribute missing for featured images, if more than one featured image is displayed
- FIXED: Mobile secondary menu hamburger toggle being misaligned
- FIXED: WP native video embeds overflowing content area, if viewport width becomes too small
- FIXED: Fusion Builder saved elements using incorrect status variable, which can lead to plugin conflicts
- FIXED: Gallery element on pages without additional content disables sticky header on load
- FIXED: Image carousel element sometimes overflowing wrapping container when there is not enough space
- FIXED: Equal heights for content boxes not working properly on iPad
- FIXED: Content on blog medium layouts flowing into sidebar on iPad
- FIXED: Fusion Builder element modals being too large on small screens, improved responsiveness
- FIXED: Scrolling issue with open modals on iOS, where scrolling or closing the modal does not work
- FIXED: Scrolling issue and doubled scrollbars when opening modal and smooth scroll is used
- FIXED: Color picker issue that caused the icon element color theme option affect flip box element icon colors
- FIXED: Equal heights option together with infinite scroll and dynamically changing post content causing display issues in portfolio element
- FIXED: Issue in slider element when saving the slider after removal of all slides causes an error
- FIXED: Heading typography settings not applied to all title element heading sizes under some circumstances
- FIXED: Auto calculation of first and last column, when updating from Avada versions < 4.0
- FIXED: LayerSlider import causing error when the LayerSlider plugin is not active
- FIXED: Ads widget not being displayed correctly
- FIXED: Polylang language switcher flags misaligned on mobile menu
- FIXED: Menu ordering buttons not working on the admin menu edit screen
- FIXED: Fusion Slider buttons not exactly left/right aligned on corresponding content layouts
- FIXED: Responsive type theme option not correctly working when Fusion Slider is enabled
- FIXED: Responsive type sensitivity options not working correctly when multiple sliders are on one page
- FIXED: Counter circles element incorrectly set back to 100% on resize and modal open when count down is used
- FIXED: Right side header in boxed mode not correctly positioned, when sticky footer is used
- FIXED: Lightbox on open jumping to top of page when sticky footer is used
- FIXED: Menu dropdown indicator on secondary menu on side headers being misaligned
- FIXED: Side header width not correctly respected in site width calculation for responsive images
- FIXED: Events Calendar filter bar date picker being below header
- FIXED: Small issue Fusion Slider assignment on pages translated using WPML
- FIXED: Portfolio one column buttons being to large in width when using full width buttons
- FIXED: Small gap above image on Events Calendar listing page on mobile
- FIXED: Shortcode generator not always correctly being triggered in editor text mode
- FIXED: Mega menu horizontal divider not respecting Theme Option menu separator color setting
- FIXED: Events Calendar single post sidebar styling being incorrect
- FIXED: Demo import fails if WooCommerce is activated from the demo popup
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