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PHP C++ 混合编程 paozhu 框架 1.5.6 发布,自带 URL 拦截

GG网络技术分享 2025-03-18 16:16 0

大量历史遗留 PHP 代码,公司要数据大屏,数据分析 PHP 难以胜任,现在 paozhu 框架可以满足你的需求。paozhu C++ 框架自带 httpserver 支持 http1 http2 通过拦截 URL, 达到 PHP C++ 混合编程。

paozhu 可以做 PHP 前端,代替 apache nginx,通过 url 拦截,区分走 c++ 还是 php.

paozhu 1.5.6 大量更新了 ORM 代码

1 添加对,FrameworkBenchmarks 框架评测支持,下一轮可以看到 paozhu 排名。

paozhu 经历上百万压力测试,各种压力测试都可以稳定应付,没有崩溃退出,没有内存飙升。

2 ORM 添加 fetch_one 和 soft_remove 和几个 where 条件,官方教程马上会推出来。

fetch_one 只取一条数据

soft_remove 软删除,并非真正删除,而是标记数据表 deleted 字段

3 修改了责任链方法,将来流程管理可以使用上。

经典 FrameworkBenchmarks 代码,paozhu 可以轻松对应

#include \"orm.h\"

#include <chrono>

#include <thread>

#include \"httppeer.h\"

#include \"techempower.h\"

#include \"techempower_json.h\"

#include \"datetime.h\"

#include \"func.h\"

#include \"pzcache.h\"

#include \"json_reflect_headers.h\"

namespace http



std::string techempowerplaintext(std::shared_ptr<httppeer> peer)


peer->type(\"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\");

peer->set_header(\"Date\", get_gmttime());

peer->output = \"Hello, World!\";

return \"\";



std::string techempowerjson(std::shared_ptr<httppeer> peer)


peer->type(\"application/json; charset=UTF-8\");

peer->set_header(\"Date\", get_gmttime());

struct techempower_outjson_t a;

a.message = \"Hello, World!\";

peer->output = json_encode(a);

return \"\";



std::string techempowerdb(std::shared_ptr<httppeer> peer)


peer->type(\"application/json; charset=UTF-8\");

peer->set_header(\"Date\", get_gmttime());

auto myworld = orm::World();

unsigned int rd_num = rand_range(1, 10000);


peer->output = myworld.data_tojson();

return \"\";



std::string techempowerqueries(std::shared_ptr<httppeer> peer)


peer->type(\"application/json; charset=UTF-8\");

peer->set_header(\"Date\", get_gmttime());

unsigned int get_num = peer->get[\"queries\"].to_int();

if (get_num == 0)


get_num = 1;


else if (get_num > 500)


get_num = 500;


auto myworld = orm::World();

for (unsigned int i = 0; i < get_num; i++)



unsigned int rd_num = rand_range(1, 10000);

myworld.where(\"id\", rd_num).fetch_append();


peer->output = myworld.to_json();

return \"\";



std::string techempowerfortunes(std::shared_ptr<httppeer> peer)


peer->type(\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\");

peer->set_header(\"Date\", get_gmttime());

auto myfortune = orm::Fortune();


myfortune.data.id = 0;

myfortune.data.message = \"Additional fortune added at request time.\";


std::sort(myfortune.record.begin(), myfortune.record.end(), [](const auto &lhs, const auto &rhs)

{ return lhs.message < rhs.message; });



for (unsigned int i = 0; i < myfortune.record.size(); i++)


item[\"id\"] = myfortune.record[i].id;

item[\"message\"] = html_encode(myfortune.record[i].message);




return \"\";



std::string techempowerupdates(std::shared_ptr<httppeer> peer)


peer->type(\"application/json; charset=UTF-8\");

peer->set_header(\"Date\", get_gmttime());

unsigned int get_num = peer->get[\"queries\"].to_int();

if (get_num == 0)


get_num = 1;


else if (get_num > 500)


get_num = 500;


auto myworld = orm::World();


for (unsigned int i = 0; i < get_num; i++)



unsigned int tempid = rand_range(1, 10000);

myworld.where(\"id\", tempid).fetch_append();

if (myworld.effect() > 0)


unsigned int j = myworld.record.size() - 1;

myworld.data.randomnumber = rand_range(1, 10000);

myworld.record[j].randomnumber = myworld.data.randomnumber;




peer->output = myworld.to_json();

return \"\";



std::string techempowercached_queries(std::shared_ptr<httppeer> peer)


peer->type(\"application/json; charset=UTF-8\");

peer->set_header(\"Date\", get_gmttime());

unsigned int get_num = peer->get[\"count\"].to_int();

if (get_num == 0)


get_num = 1;


else if (get_num > 500)


get_num = 500;


auto myworld = orm::World();

std::string mycacheid = \"alldatacache\";

pzcache<std::vector<orm::worldbase::meta>> &temp_cache = pzcache<std::vector<orm::worldbase::meta>>::conn();

std::vector<orm::worldbase::meta> allcachedata_array;

//create rand data to cache

if (temp_cache.check(mycacheid) > -1)


allcachedata_array = temp_cache.get(mycacheid);





for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)


allcachedata_array[i].id = i + 1;

allcachedata_array[i].randomnumber = rand_range(1, 10000);


temp_cache.save(mycacheid, allcachedata_array, 120);


//get rand data from cache

mycacheid = \"my\" + std::to_string(get_num);

if (temp_cache.check(mycacheid) > -1)


myworld.record = temp_cache.get(mycacheid);




if (allcachedata_array.size() == 10000)


for (unsigned int i = 0; i < get_num; i++)


unsigned int temp_rid = rand_range(0, 9999);




temp_cache.save(mycacheid, myworld.record, 120);


peer->output = myworld.to_json();

return \"\";



std::string techempowercached_db(std::shared_ptr<httppeer> peer)


peer->type(\"application/json; charset=UTF-8\");

peer->set_header(\"Date\", get_gmttime());

//this test from database to cache

unsigned int get_num = peer->get[\"count\"].to_int();

if (get_num == 0)


get_num = 1;


else if (get_num > 500)


get_num = 500;


auto myworld = orm::World();

std::string mycacheid = \"my\" + std::to_string(get_num);

pzcache<std::vector<orm::worldbase::meta>> &temp_cache = pzcache<std::vector<orm::worldbase::meta>>::conn();

if (temp_cache.check(mycacheid) > -1)


myworld.record = temp_cache.get(mycacheid);




std::vector<unsigned int> cacheid;

for (unsigned int i = 0; i < get_num; i++)


cacheid.push_back(rand_range(1, 10000));


std::string sqlstr = array_to_sql(cacheid);

myworld.whereIn(\"id\", sqlstr).fetch();

temp_cache.save(mycacheid, myworld.record, 120);


peer->output = myworld.to_json();

return \"\";


}// namespace http

标签: 框架 代码


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